Our Annual Winter Dance is one of our signature celebratory events of the year! As we continue to safely care for our community, we have decided to host our annual dance VIRTUAL style!
The format will be a little different than our traditional dance, but our celebratory spirit won't change. Dance and connect with us on Friday, February 5th. Important details below!
Virtual Dance Info:
February 5th, 2021
→7:00 PM - Dancing begins
→8:00 PM - Farewell song
COST: $5 per household (includes special gift from the DSAGC)
Special Guest DJ JonJon (aka Jon Curl from Cincy Lifestyle and former Q102 radio personality). We'll also hear some tunes from DJ America Brody Flynn. Brody plays hits at graduation parties, weddings and special events to help bring people together.
DANCE REGISTRATION DEADLINE: February 1st (for gift mailing) or February 4th (for virtual dance only).
Additional Details:
* Ticket to the dance includes zoom access link. This will be emailed to you before the dance. If you sign up by Tuesday, February 1st, you will also receive a small gift from the DSAGC in the mail.
* Virtual Dance Ticket cost is $5 for each household. Please indicate during check out, how many members will join the zoom.
*We respectfully request ages 15 and up to attend the virtual dance (as this is the required age for our in-person dance).
In the past we have had some fabulous people do hair and makeup before the dance for adults with Down syndrome. This year we will host a Let's Get Fancy zoom call at 7:00 PM on Thursday, February 4th, where we will have tutorials on things like makeup application, perfume/cologne etiquette, and some hair tips and tricks.
Our virtual Let's Get Fancy comes with 2 bag options (1 for males and 1 for females), each with a few items to get you ready for the fun night ahead. If you are interested in participating, sign up for a Let's Get Fancy Kit during checkout. You will be required to pick up your kit from the DSAGC office on the following dates and times:
→ January 29th | 10:00 am to 3 pm
→ January 30th | 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
*If you are unable to pick up your kit, you can choose to have it mailed to you (shipping fee will be charged).
Cost of Let's Get Fancy: $5 per person
DJ JonJon
DJ America Brody Flynn
Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati
4623 Wesley Avenue, Suite A, Cincinnati, OH 45212
PH: 513.761.5400 | FX: 513.761.5401
→If there are multiple people joining the virtual dance from the same household, you only have to choose "1" ticket to attend.
→Let's Get Fancy Kits are for each person. If you have more than one person in your household interested in a kit, you would choose that many tickets.
Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati
4623 Wesley Avenue, Suite A
Cincinnati, OH 45212
PH: 513.761.5400 | FX: 513.761.5401 | dsagc@dsagc.com
Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati
4623 Wesley Avenue, Suite A
Cincinnati, OH 45212
PH: 513.761.5400 | FX: 513.761.5401 | dsagc@dsagc.com
Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati
4623 Wesley Avenue, Suite A
Cincinnati, OH 45212
PH: 513.761.5400 | FX: 513.761.5401 | dsagc@dsagc.com